Shape your future Faculty of Engineering Bilbao Steel Programme

About Room4Steel

The Steel Programme, Room4Steel, focuses on areas of knowledge in the steel industry and promotes projects, activities in the field of steelmaking and internships doing the Final Project of the Degree/ Final Project of the Master’s Degree in a sector of historical relevance for the industry, with the aim of promoting specialisation and future employment. Are you in?

With the participation of:

Arcelor Mittal logo Harsco logo Sarralle logo Aceralava Tubacex logo Tubos Reunidos Group Fives logo Idom logo Celsa Nevarcero Olarra logo Sidenor logo Arania


We help you enter the job market

This space offers you a training schedule divided into different thematic topics where projects will be offered so you can do your TFGs or TFMs linked to company internships.

All with the main objective of providing you with training and helping you to enter the job market.

Course details:

  • UPV/EHU University Extension Course on STEEL INDUSTRY- ROOM4STEEL.
  • Delivery of an official certificate at the end of the course.
  • Aimed at engineering students or people working in the sector who want to
    update their knowledge.
  • Registration will open in September.*
  • Course starts on 23 October 2024.
  • Price: 20 €.*

*Get more information through our LinkedIn or request more information so that
we can notify you when the exact enrolment date is published.

*Free course funded by SIDEREX for UPV/EHU students.

Session 1

Iron and steel processes and products

23/10/2024 9:30-12:30
You will learn about the history of the Basque iron and steel industry, the vision of the sector and the production process: raw materials, integral and electrical route, secondary metallurgy, continuous casting, rolling and heat treatments.

Session 2

Products and sectors of application

20/11/2024 9:30-12:30
You will learn about steel products by type of shape and type of steel and their applicability.

Session 3

Equipment, cutting tools and instrumentation

11/12/2024 9:30-12:30
You will discover the rolling process as well as the equipment that makes up a steel mill.

Session 4

Sustainability and circular economy

22/01/2025 9:30-12:30
You will be immersed in the different concepts that make up sustainability and circular economy applied to the steel sector.

Session 5

Hydrogen and energy efficiency

26/02/2025 9:30-12:30
You will learn about the qualities of H2 as an energy vector in the iron and steel sector, its storage, as well as energy efficiency through intelligent management.

Session 6

Industry 4.0 and success stories

19/03/2025 9:30-12:30
You will discover the needs and new developments for the steel sector in terms of Industry 4.0, as well as the need for knowledge about Digitalisation.

Session 7

Project management, technological challenges and talent management

9/04/2025 9:30-12:30
You will analyse in a practical and executive way the magnitude of a steel project, the training necessary to tackle the technological challenges of the sector and the skills required for this purpose.


Projects assigned


Attendance at sessions by students


Attendance at sessions together with company staff


Students who got their first job opportunity


Projects in cooperation with companies

Moldea tu futuro Edition 2023-2024

Libro Room4

    Fill in the following form to download for FREE the Room4Steel book, a compilation of all the subjects taught by the companies throughout the course in the 23/24 Training Itinerary.

    Tell us what you do

    Galeria de fotos aula siderurgia
    Galeria de fotos aula siderurgia
    Galeria de fotos aula siderurgia

    Frequently asked questions


    Room4Steel students recount their experience...

    Room4Steel is a great initiative to bring the steel sector from all its aspects to engineering students who in the near future may be co-workers. From ArcelorMittal Global R&D Spain we have made 4 contributions to the steel programme, in diverse and varied topics, showing that there is room for all disciplines in our industry. We have had 3 students working on 3 projects with which we are highly satisfied, as we have been in previous editions. From ArcelorMittal Global R&D Spain we encourage any engineering student to approach us, with the conviction that they will find a topic of their interest. In particular, we encourage young women engineers to get to know this industry in which their contribution is increasingly sought after and valued.

    Arcelor Mittal
    ArcelorMittal Global R&D Spain Room4Steel partner company

    Room4Steel is a really positive initiative that helps us to make the iron and steel sector visible and bring it closer to the students of the Bilbao School of Engineering. Our experience receiving students for internship projects has been outstanding most of the time. We believe that it is a great opportunity for both, because future engineers can start working in an industrial environment and form an active part of a team, and they can also link their final year project to a real project that we are carrying out. On the other hand, for us as a company, this experience serves us as a breeding ground for future talent. So far, we have had 3 students in two editions and two of them have continued with us.

    Celsa Navarcero logo
    Nevarcero Collaborating company in Room4Steel

    Room4Steel seemed to me to be a very interesting idea in terms of specialisation and career continuity. The steel programme allows us to get to know the steel sector from many points of view. The participation in Room4Steel has been very enriching personally and professionally, offering a complete training. Thanks to the training obtained in the company classroom, it has been easier for me to understand all the processes of a steel company, facilitating the implementation of the continuous improvement methodologies worked on in the final project of the master’s degree. Personally, some companies have contacted me to ask about my future in the short and medium term. Thanks to my participation in R4S, I believe that I will establish contact with companies in the sector, which will be valuable for future job opportunities.

    Maider Narbaiza Room4Steel 2023 student

    For me, Room4Steel has been a fantastic gateway to both the world of steelmaking and the job market, as well as a great help for my dissertation. Although the classroom and its steel programme are focused on the steel industry, other topics of current relevance are also covered, which are very enriching. My internship has focused on the creation of a carbon footprint calculator and I have carried it out at IDOM, where they have given me the opportunity to stay to continue training and gaining experience in this sector.

    Erik Riloba
    Erick Riloba Room4Steel 2023 student